June Boulder County Buzz

Beautiful Start to the Summer in Boulder County

If you live in Boulder County, you know that the Summer is an amazing time to be here, and that applies to the real estate market as well! Yes, the farmers market is bursting with great veggies, and there are more events happening than I have time for, but I want to remind you that even though it's Summer time, the housing market is still booming. Talk to me today about your plans for your home before heading off on your Summer vacation. Because I know you're all wondering, I've included an article with more information about whether or not your taxes will increase next year, so don't miss that. There's also a great read about why more people are selling their homes this time of year, as well as some interesting stats. I look forward to hearing from you with your questions and any updates on your Summer plans for your home. 

Source: http://mailchi.mp/anderice.com/april-bould...